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제목 신고리1,2호기 시운전정비공사 국외 유자격업체 등록 안내 공고
기관 발주처 입찰공지 > 국가기관(공지사항) > 나라장터 (기관)
등록 2008/11/26 (수)

NOTICE Constructor Registration for Bidding Qualification

This is to announce the registration of constructors that want to be qualified for the bidding
process of the maintenance and startup-support works of the following project.

1. Project Summary
- Project Name: Construction Package of the Shin kori Nuclear Power Plant Units 1&2
- Service area: Maintenance of Plant Equipment and Startup Support
- Nuclear Quality Class: Q-Class (Safety-related)

2. Registration field : Mechanical & Electrical, Instrumentation & Control for Maintenance and
startup support works of Nuclear Power Plant (Shin Kori Nuclear Power Plant Units 1&2)

3. The requirements of applicants
- Applicants should have the license for 'Electrical Construction Business‘ under the
Electrical Construction Business Act as the one which has the maintenance and startup
support records of nuclear power plant or thermal power plant (unit capacity : above
200MWe) during the last ten (10) years. (except for subcontract records; and in case of
ongoing project, the project progress should be more than 50%)
- Companies that were punished for the violation of KHNP's policy in the past should apply at
least three (3) months after the notice of the punishment.
- To have the experience of implementing the safety-related Nuclear Quality Assurance
Program more than three(3) months
- The person in charge of Quality Assurance must receive an education or training about
nuclear quality assurance within two years before the application date.
- To be in sound financial condition

4. Application Documents are available at the KHNP's Head office (Seoul, Korea) or request
the form by E-Mail(leenam@khnp.co.kr) from November 26, 2008 to December 10, 2008.

5. Application forms (including all related documents) shall be submitted to the KHNP's head
office no later than 18:00 on December 10, 2008 by hand or by air mail. (must not be
submitted by E-mail)

6. Application documents should include two paper copies and one CD copy of KHNP's
stipulated application document, quality assurance program documents, and all related
supporting documents.

7. The following areas will be examined based on the procedures and standards of KHNP.
- Technical area: experienced engineers, equipment for the test & control, licenses,
experience, technical materials, R&D, etc.
- Quality Assurance area: Nuclear Quality Assurance Program
- Financial area: Financial condition

8. Other information
- A company which passes said examination can bid for the maintenance and startup
support works for Shin kori Nuclear Power Plant Units 1&2
- Please note that even a company that passed said examination can participate in a tender
only to the limited extent by the Korean government or KHNP's policy.
- No return of all submitted documents in any case

< Contact Point >
Nam-ku Lee
Quality Assurance Office, Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co. LTD(KHNP)
160 Samsung-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 135-881, Korea
Tel : 82-2-3456-1821,1826
Fax : 82-2-3456-1819

November 26, 2008
Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co. Ltd.