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입찰자료 > 발주처 입찰공지 > 국가기관(공지사항) > 중소기업청  
제목 한 이란 세관협력회의 합의사항
기관 발주처 입찰공지 > 국가기관(공지사항) > 중소기업청청
등록 2001/07/18 (수)

memorandum of understanding
for the 4th customs cooperation
conference between the republic
of korea customs service and
the islamic republic of iran
customs administration
on the official invitation of the vice minister of economic and finance affairs and president of islamic republic of iran customs administration, commissioner of korea customs service and the accompanying delegation made a visit to iran customs administration as of 8 to 11 july 2001 and during the meeting two parties agreed as follows :
1- for the purpose of expansion of export and import, the parties, in accordance with the provisions set out in this mou., will afford each other mutual assistance:
a) in order to ensure proper implementation of customs law and regulation ;
b) in order to prevent, investigate and combat offences against customs legislation ;
c) in order to cooperate in training and customs facilities.
2- the parties will take measures for facilitating the clearance of goods regarding :
a) the collection of customs duties, taxes, fees and charges levied by customs authorities and, in particular, information which may help to assess the customs value of goods and to establish their tariff classification ;
b) the implementation of import and export prohibitions and restrictions.
3- noticing that the economic development of each country is one of the most important concerns, the party will strive to resolve any customs clearance difficulties that the other party might address including goods entering bonded area and establish the standing information exchanging channel to take proper and timely measures upon each other's request.
4- the parties expressed their willingness for relentless combat against the smuggling of goods and illicit trafficking narcotic drugs between their respective countries by exchanging information and intelligence.
for facilitating and expediting the exchange of information and intelligence, the parties will introduce one contact point to each other and continue relationship.
5- for expansion of transit by way of two countries, the parties will facilitate their customs procedures on the basis of the revised kyoto convention.
6- helping further promotion of the professional knowledge of their employees, the parties will do their best to organize training courses on the customs-related specialized fields, exchange instructors and arrange for the reciprocal visits of their employees for sharing experience. for speeding up this efforts the iranian side requested korea customs to establish 2 training courses in the field of e-customs for 30 iranian customs officials and expressed its accommodation for two or more experts from korea to iran customs administration. korean side expressed its willingness to accept the proposal in consultation with korea ministry of foreign affairs and trade in the near future.
7- regarding the necessity of rationality of customs administration, the parties expressed their willingness to expand cooperation in enhancing integrity efforts by exchanging experiences.
8- the information and intelligence for this mou may be produced by electronic data and the date should be treated as original for interpretation and utilization purpose.
9- in line with the objective of ensuring constant promotion of their bilateral professional relationship, the heads of the two administrations will meet together within one year period interval alternately in each other's territory.
donein tehran at 20 ir 1380 solar hejra, corresponding to 11 july 2001 in two originals, in