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입찰자료 > 발주처 입찰공지 > 공공기관 > 한국가스공사  
제목 [물품]Notice(New procedures for evaluations and registration of Manufacturer)
기관 발주처 입찰공지 > 공공기관 > 한국가스공사
등록 2015/09/18 (금)
파일 Notice.zip

Kogas announce the new procedures for evaluations and registration of Manufacturer. After refer to attached document, Please apply the registeration.

          A. Notice Period : '15. 9. 18 ~ '15. 10. 18
          B. Document Submission Period : '15. 10. 19 ~ '15. 10. 23
          C. Contents of Notice : Evaluation Equipment list, Evaluation Procedure