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입찰자료 > 발주처 입찰공지 > 공공기관 > 한국가스공사  
제목 [기타]한국가스공사 공급자 행동강령_eng
기관 발주처 입찰공지 > 공공기관 > 한국가스공사
등록 2017/06/05 (월)
파일 한국가스공사 공급자 행동강령_eng_fin.doc

In order to offer a stable supply of clean, safe natural gas to the people, Korea Gas Corporation (“KOGAS”) leads the natural gas industry in Korea with the corporate philosophy of “good energy, a better world”.


KOGAS hereby establishes this Supplier Code of Conduct to strengthen the law-abiding or compliance management, which will be the backbone of co-growth between it and its suppliers. KOGAS, by presenting basic environmental, human rights, safety & health, and ethical standards to be complied with by its suppliers, expects that it and all of its suppliers will gain global competitiveness.


This Code of Conduct will function as the standards to be followed by KOGAS’ suppliers, their employees and agents, and subcontractors. KOGAS recommends that they comply with statutory requirements, contents of this Code of Conduct, and KOGAS’ requirements specified in the business contracts.


KOGAS or an outside institution designated thereby may visit suppliers’ premises to evaluate whether or not the supplier complies with this Code of Conduct.