비드프로 고객 상담
전화 :
031 628 7891
팩스 :
031 628 7895
평일 9AM ~ 6PM 토/일/휴일 휴무
입찰자료 > 기관별 입찰 공지 > 공공기관 > 한국석유공사  
제목 Invitation to Bid(Tender No. KNOC-2012-BH-001)
기관 발주처 입찰공지 > 공공기관 > 한국석유공사
등록 2012/02/27 (월)

SUBJECT : Invitation to Bid(Tender No. KNOC-2012-BH-001) Korea National Oil Corporation hereby invites the qualified, experienced and interested bidder to submit bid (final proposal) for "KNOC 2012 Buoy Hose System Purchase". Your bid proposal(technical and commercial) should be in accordance with the terms and conditions as set forth in the ITB document attached below. The closing date for receipt of bid proposal shall be 17:00 hours, March 20, 2012(KST) and the sealed bid shall be delivered to the address specified in the ITB. Please confirm to KNOC with the Intent to Bid as per FORMAT provided in ITB through fax or e-mail before submitting the bid documents. Here are contact infos as follows: Name : Eunju, Park Tel : +82-31-380-2245 Fax : +82-31-387-9323 email : eunju@knoc.co.kr